HackTheBox — Blunder Machine Walk-through

Nishant Thakur
8 min readJun 23, 2021


Hello everyone, hope you guys are doing well. In this blog post, I will provide walk-though of Blunder Machine from Hack The Box. Hack the Box is an online platform that allows us to test out penetration testing skills and exchange ideas and methodologies with thousands of people in the security field. It comprises of active and retired machines that can be accessed via our own PC using OpenVPN.

Blunder Machine From HackTheBox

Without any delay let’s head toward the detailed explanation about each steps that was carried out while gaining the user and root flag of Blunder machine. Let us begin the scanning and enumeration process.

Executing Nmap Scan

A quick nmap scan was launched against the Blunder Machine by executing the command “nmap -sC -sV -oA nmap/blunder”. Only one port 80 (http) was found to be in open state.

nmap scan
Nmap scan report of Blunder Machine

Web Enumeration

After analyzing the result of Nmap scan, it can be concluded that the only option available for us to perform further enumeration is via TCP Port 80. The corresponding web page was accessed via web browser.

home page of web application
Web page on

Executing Dirbuster

Before manually poking around the web content, it’s always good to have some enumeration running in the background. Thus, Dirbuster-GUI was launched using the wordlist “/usr/share/wordlists/dirbuster/directory-list-2.3-medium.txt” and it quickly identified admin directory.

Dirbuster showing admin directory

Meanwhile, Dirbuster also shows the same result in terminal as well.

dirbuster terminal
Admin directory found by Dirbuster

Before accessing this web directory, manual enumeration of the website was carried out and nothing interesting was identified.

Accessing the web directory

The admin directory displayed a login page with the title of BLUDIT which is a CMS (Content Management System).

bludit login panel
Bludit Login Page

Trying Random Credentials

Immediately, I tried some common credentials such as admin:admin, admin:password, user:password and so on. Also I looked for default credentials of Bludit CMS in the internet. None of these worked.

Trying random credential
Trying random credentials

Viewing Page Source

After analyzing the source of login page, it was found that the web application was using Bludit version 3.9.2.

Viewing Page Source
Identifying Bludit version

Executing Searchsploit

As CMS version was identified, it was time to look for corresponding exploit. Searchsploit was launched by executing the command “searchspoit bludit”. It showed multiple exploit. However, there exploit would work only for authenticated users.

searchsploit bludit
Exploits for Bludit CMS

Initiating wfuzz scanning

For executing those exploits it is necessary to have valid credentials and further enumeration was carried out using wfuzz tool which revealed two interesting files namely robots.txt and todo.txt.

running wfuzz
Launching wfuzz scan
accessing robots.txt file
Accessing robots.txt file
accessing todo.txt file
Accessing todo.txt

Nothing interesting was identified in robots.txt file. However, potential username (fergus) was found in todo.txt file.

Brute Force Protection Bypass

Before brute-forcing password, I read the Bludit documentation which clearly stated that, users IP Address gets blocked after 10 invalid login attempts.

bludit authentication docs part
Bludit Documentation about blacklisting IP Address on Invalid Login Attempts

Bludit CMS Version 3.9.2 adds IP Address of the visitor to the X-Forwarded-For header tag for each login requests made to the web server and using this method it keeps count of requests that the particular user made to the web application. Based on that count value, users are either allowed or blocked from login in to Bludit based applications. Although everything looks fine, there lies a small flaw in the program i.e. X-Forwarded-For tag is unsanitized meaning that anybody can temper its value, which provides surface area for launching Brute Force attack. Anyone can write a simple python script that renders the value of X-Forwarded-For to new IP Address on each subsequent request bypassing the Brute Force protection provided by Bludit CMS 3.9.2. Therefore, I downloaded script from GitHub to guess a possible password for user Fergus.

GitHub Link: https://github.com/musyoka101/Bludit-CMS-Version-3.9.2-Brute-Force-Protection-Bypass-script/tree/master

Using CeWL

We can try to brute-force using wordlist such as rockyou.txt. However, it may take long time. Before using rockyou.txt, I decided to create a wordlist using the contents of home page of the web application. After doing some research, I found out about a tool namely cewl. This tool would spider the provided URL and scrap words that has certain length as specified by user.

executing cewl
Executing cewl tool to generate password
password file
Total 306 possible password collected

Launching Brute Force Attack

The script namely bruteforce.py that was downloaded previously was used for accomplishing the task. Argument such as IP Address (, username (fergus) and password list (passwords.txt) was supplied to the script.

initiating brute force attack
Launching brute force attack
password found
Valid credentials found

After certain attempt valid credential (fergus:RolandDeschain) was identified.

Logging into the Web Application

The credential worked and we were redirected to the dashboard of the web application.

logging into bludit
Using the obtained credentials to login
bludit dashboard
Dashboard of the application


Now that we are authenticated, its time to launch the directory traversal exploit as shown by the searchsploit result. For this demonstration, we are using metasploit-framework. However, we can also perform the same exploitation manually.

searching exploit
searching for bludit in metasploit-framework

A command “search bludit” was executed and it showed one exploit module. The module was loaded and available options were listed out.

loading exploit
Loading the exploit module
viewing available options
Listing out available options

As we have already gathered values for these parameters, all the values were set accordingly using the set command. The value of RPORT was already set to 80 by default. The values that were set are BLUDITUSER: fergus, BLUDITPASS: RolandDeschain, RHOST:, LHOST:, and LPORT: 4444.

setting up parameters
Setting up all the parameters accordingly

After running the exploit command, meterpreter session was opened as shown below.

launching exploit
Meterpreter session opened with Blunder Machine

Post Exploitation

After looking around, it was found that two different version of bludit was located in the /var/www/ directory. On further enumerating, username and password hash was found in users.php file.

two versions of bludit
Two different versions of bludit
possbile username and password
Username and password hash found in users.php file

Hash Identification

The hash type was identified to be SHA-1 using the tool namely hash-id.py.

identifying hash type
Identifying Hash Type

Cracking the Hash

There are tools such as hashcat, John the Ripper and various online tools for decoding various hash types. The hash was decoded and plain text password was identified to be Password120.

cracking SHA-1 Hash
Decoding the hash value

Switching user to Hugo

The command “su hugowas executed and corresponding password (Password120) was supplied. The user was successfully switched to hugo.

switching user to hugo
Switching user to hugo

Obtaining User Flag

The users flag was located in the hugo’s home directory.

user flag
User Flag

Obtaining Root Flag

As I had the credential for hugo user, the first thing that I could do to obtain the root flag would be checking for command that hugo user is allowed to run with sudo permission. The command “sudo -l” was executed.

sudo permission
Checking sudo permission for hugo user

The result showed that hugo user can run “/bin/bash” as any user but not as a root user. But after some research, it was found that we can bypass this permission check and run /bin/bash as root user.

sudo permission byass
Running bash with root permission

After executing the command “sudo -u#-1 /bin/bash”, user was switched from hugo to root, which was further identified by id command.

switching user from hugo to root
Escalating privilege using bash

The root flag was located in the root user’s home directory.

root flag
Gaining the root flag


In this way, both user flag and root flag on the Blunder machine were captured. Thank you for bearing with me this far. Have good time folks.

!! Happy Hacking😎😎 !!




Nishant Thakur
Nishant Thakur

Written by Nishant Thakur

Solutions Engineer @ LogPoint Nepal | RHCE | RHCSA | Cybersecurity Enthusiast

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